Close a MINIMUM of 30% More Business…
Without Changing Your Offer, Pricing, or Sales Process...
Starting as Soon as Next Week…
(Even If You’re An Experienced Sales Pro)
Discover the Source Code for Getting Others to Agree, Believe, and Buy...
The QuickStart
$149 $7
An Accelerated Mini-Course on the 7 Triggers System
You're Just One Week Away from Closing More Business Than You Ever Thought Possible.
Ethics & Values of Persuasion in Selling
If you seek methods to manipulate customers into buying decisions they would otherwise never make, you won’t find them here.
Rooted in the neuroscience of decision-making, the 7 Triggers method of persuasion produces a more meaningful connection between buyer and seller, and guides customers to connect faster and more strongly with their own beliefs and motivations.
The persuasion principles and tactics you will learn put you more in line with customer interests, not less.
Our corporate clients pay $600 per attendee for us to deliver this information to their sales teams.
But when you sign up today, you're not going to pay anywhere near $600 (even though it would be worth every penny).
Corporate training per person: $600.00
Online course access: $149.00
Your price today:
JUST $7.00!
As the lightbulbs go on, the first thing I often hear sales pros ask about 7 Triggers is, "Why haven't I ever heard of this?"
Business books often serve as drivers for other service offerings. Author, consultant, and trainer Russ Granger never had the chance to follow through on the acclaim for his groundbreaking book, The 7 Triggers to Yes. Shortly following publication, he was diagnosed with melanoma, and we lost him just four months later.
Not that the genius of my father's work went unnoticed, mind you. A number of companies, consultants, leaders and trainers licensed the material or used the book as a basis for developing their own in-house programs; companies like Hearst Publications, Amgen, Morgan Stanley, Liberty Mutual, Cisco, and others.
7 Triggers programming was making its way through the corporate world under the radar, by reputation and word-of-mouth alone.
When I investigated what was being accomplished at these companies using Dad's work, I was thunderstruck! The case studies, the results achieved, were phenomenal. I had worked with Dad's sales training firm at various points over the years, and we had never seen results like this.
Inheritance is a grievous gate to opportunity, but there was some consolation in knowing that my digital media expertise would help accomplish one of Dad's unrealized ambitions.
Known as "Big Russ" not for his size but for a large presence and personality, he was always in demand as a speaker and trainer at major corporations.
But Dad had the heart of an entrepreneur, and wanted more than anything to share his skills for success with every individual, team, and small business eager to exceed the status quo, improve their fortunes, and make a difference in the world.
During my audit of what corporations were doing with the 7 Triggers formula, I was asked more than once (and not always jokingly!) to please not share with others the secrets of training and field application that had been developed...
OK, sure 🙄
I'm so proud to be delivering on Dad's promise and legacy. My only regret is that he isn't around to hear all the success stories from those who are crushing it using the new online programming.
Dad lived to help others succeed. His work lives on!
Persuade and prosper,
Russell P. Granger
P.S. I am also one of Dad's success stories. And when you sign up for the QuickStart, you'll see exactly how the 7 Triggers not only helped me start my own agency, but also to close every account I went after in my first year in business.
Here is a small sampling of corporate case studies we've amassed over the years of Trigger training:
27% Above Projections Leads to Historic Win
When a large, well-known pharmaceutical company wanted to ramp up product sales, it conducted one of the first 7 Triggers training programs. Sales went through the roof, and two years later was the largest selling prescription drug in the world.
Largest Sale in Financial Firm's 100 Year History
A well-known financial services firm secured the largest sale in the company's 100-year history and directly credited 7 Triggers training for that success.
34% Boost in Sales Leads to $800M Acquisition
A small drug manufacturer's new head of sales hired a small team of very seasoned sales professionals who did well for a time, but once they had picked off the low-hanging fruit they started to stumble. They brought in 7 Triggers programming and within a year after hitting their market share wall their sales had jumped 34% – and the company was acquired for over 800 million dollars.
It's time to put more yes in your life!
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